2 gI Outline of Japanese School Systemh Previous Next JAPANESE
I Outline of Japanese School System
This figure shows a single-track school system in Japan.
Fundamentally, the Japanese single-track school system is made up of elementary schools, lower secondary schools, upper secondary schools and universities (6- 3- 3- 4 years). This system was modified by introducing technical colleges in 1961 and comprehensive secondary schools in 1998, which increased peoplefs options and diversified the school system. However, this modification does not mean that the Japanese school system has become a dual system.
As part of the above modification, unification of kindergartens as preschool educational institutions and nursery schools as child care institutions, and introduction of the option of skipping grades in post-compulsory educational institutions, are under discussion.

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Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development(CRICED) University of Tsukuba
1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi, IBARAKI
305-857, JAPAN