6 gII Japanese Educational Administration and Financeh Previous Next JAPANESE
II Japanese Educational Administration and Finance
(1)Japanfs Fundamental Law of Education has regulations on educational objectives, and it was designed to eradicate the super-national education of the pre-World War ( period.
(2)Breaking economic barriers to receive education was a major objective of the Fundamental Law of Education system. The interpretation of education eaccording to abilityf is unequivocal.
(3)There is a discussion on the meaning of compulsory education, that is whether it means to enroll formally in schools as provided by the law or should it be understood in a broader sense.
(4)There is a discussion on the public nature of education.
(5)It includes the idea of lifelong learning and the relationship between lifelong learning and Social Education.
(6)There is a sense of avoidance of politics and religion among teachers because of the strong demand for the political and religious neutrality in education.
(7)There has been a discussion on the bounds of the state, that is how far it can participate in the stipulation and maintenance of appropriate educational conditions.

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Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development(CRICED) University of Tsukuba
1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi, IBARAKI
305-857, JAPAN