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II Japanese Educational Administration and Finance
The school environment refers to the natural, physical, and artificial environment surrounding schools. School environments also include problems related to school facilities, size of the classes/schools, school architecture, natural and social environments in local communities, school districts and along school routes.
●Social Conditions
 ・Avoid industrial areas, love motel areas
   (Building Standards Law 48, etc)
 ・No environmental pollution such as air pollution, noise, or damage from vibration   
   (Law concerning Enterprisers' Burden of Cost for Environmental Prevention, Law concerning
   Special National Financial Expenditure for Initiatives for Environmental Prevention, Law
   concerning Prevention of Noise Pollution of Airplanes around Public Airports, etc.)
●Natural Condition  
 ・Height of the school location (Building Standards Law19)  
 ・Commuting distance to school (Enforcement of National Treasury's Share of Expenses for Compulsory Education Schools 3, less than 4 kilometers are appropriate for elementary school students to commute to school)

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Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development(CRICED) University of Tsukuba
1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi, IBARAKI
305-857, JAPAN