30 gIII Japanese Social Educationh Previous Next JAPANESE
III Japanese Social Education
Social educational organizations are registered as organizations that emay be either corporate bodies o non-corporate ones that do not come under official public control and that aim to provide services related to social educationf under the Social Education Law. Typical social educational organizations comprise PTAs, Culture Associations, Sports Associations, Boy Scouts, Youth Associations, Womenfs Associations and Boys Sports Clubs.
Social educational organizations are registered under the Social Education Law. This implies that there is a close relationship between Japanese social educational administration and social educational organizations. At the present, many regional bodies support diverse social educational organizations including learning (study) circles that are committed to activities in local communities.
There is a need to structure a new relationship between social educational organizations and Japanese social educational administration considering the diversity of circles or clubs that are committed to local communities and NPOs that are committed to social education.

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Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development(CRICED) University of Tsukuba
1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi, IBARAKI
305-857, JAPAN