7 gV Classroom Management and Guidanceh Previous Next JAPANESE
V Classroom Management and Guidance
Class activities are the most important activities in a class functioning as one unit and include special activities that are a part of the formal curriculum. They are defined as eactivities to enrich and to solidify everyday life in class and schoolf and eactivities to adapt to daily life and to learn and improve health and safety.f Solidarity making and enrichment activities are done by esolving life problems in school and class, organized class settings in a way to help students cope with a division of work.f Other activities are designed to promote ethe formation of attitudes of helpfulness and purpose, the development of basic life style, the formation of desirable inter-personal relationships, the utilization of school libraries, the nurturing of physically and mentally sound and safe life styles, and the formation of desirable eating habits.f
The objectives and contents of class activities have implications for both class-based and group-based activities as well as for day duties. Class-based activities are the ones that students undertake involving a variety of classroom work by making individual assignments. Group-based activities involve cooperation among students in small groups by engaging in various study and other activities. The day duty is daily work shared by the entire class.

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Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development(CRICED) University of Tsukuba
1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi, IBARAKI
305-857, JAPAN