22 gV Classroom Management and Guidanceh Previous Next JAPANESE
V Classroom Management and Guidance
The reasons for non-attendance at (absenteeism from) schools vary and include deteriorating relationships with friends and/or teachers. Also, the number of absentee students from school is increasing remarkably because of personal problems like languidness or anxiety. In both cases, attention should be paid to the multiplication and overlapping of factors leading to continuous non-attendance at school.
There is also a view that from a macro level perspective, that the enforced conformity and uniformity bearing down upon individual students in the national modern public education system in Japan may inevitably have caused this phenomenon to appear and grow.

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Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development(CRICED) University of Tsukuba
1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi, IBARAKI
305-857, JAPAN