26 gV Classroom Management and Guidanceh Previous Next JAPANESE
V Classroom Management and Guidance
It is necessary to deal with non-attending, absentee students individually because there are various and multiple factors behind their non-attendance at school. It is necessary to understand the present conditions in which it is no longer possible to affirm that it is absolutely good or positive for all children to go to school, since most non-attending school children want to go to school, but cannot do so for various reasons. It is necessary to take measures to help such children to adapt to school life and to rejoin classes.
eVisits to childrenfs homes by teachersf are designed to exchange information regarding the reasons for non-attendance by school children with their parents and to communicate directly with the children. eAttendance in health roomsf is an option for some children who want to go to school but cannot join a class because study pressures or poor relationships with their friends. eSpecial classrooms for absentee school children,f established by municipal boards of education function to provide such children with guidance and help facilitate their attendance at public schools.

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Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development(CRICED) University of Tsukuba
1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi, IBARAKI
305-857, JAPAN