45 gVIII Teacher's Qualifications/Training/Appointmenth Previous Next JAPANESE
VIII Teacher's Qualifications/Training/Appointment
The current school management reforms in Japan have changed the concept of an ideal principal, from that of an administrator of a school to a manager of an educational business, or a specialist of management in addition to a specialist of education. In order to manage an educational business effectively, a principal needs to set a vision and a strategy of school development. To do that, it is necessary to have broad views and deep insights not only with reference to education but also to society as a whole. A principal also needs to have professional knowledge and technical skills in implementing school management plans and conducting school evaluations.
There are limits provided by experience, on the job training, and administrative training in the development of educational knowledge and technical skills. Consequently, graduate schools play important roles in upgrading the knowledge and skills of principals as do joint training provided by universities and boards of education. There are expanding opportunities to upgrade the skills of principals through the establishment of graduate schools for school leaders. This kind of graduate school has been established at the University of Tsukuba to foster principals. The university of Tsukuba set up a major in gschool leadership developmenth in 2006 to address training for school leader.

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Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development(CRICED) University of Tsukuba
1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi, IBARAKI
305-857, JAPAN