63 gIX Japanese School Life and Cultureh Previous Next JAPANESE
IX Japanese School Life and Culture
(1)Team teaching by a homeroom teacher and nurse teacher, 4th grade, November 2004,
(2)Study with students work, 4th grade, November 2004,
(3)Watching a video program, 4th grade, November 2004,
(4)Remarks, 4th grade, November 2004,
(5)A notice from the principal to the studentsf parents.
1st grade eClean bodyf (1st semester), 2nd grade eThe secret of the navelf (3rd semester), 3rd grade eMy birthf (3rd semester), 4th grade eChanges into an adult bodyf (2nd semester), 5th grade eBirth of new lifef (1st semester), 6th grade eLetCs learn about AIDSf (2nd semester), (based on ea guide book for sex educationf(Prefectural Board of Education))

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Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development(CRICED) University of Tsukuba
1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi, IBARAKI
305-857, JAPAN