7 gVII Cooperation between School and Local Communityh Previous Next JAPANESE
VII Cooperation between School and Local Community
(1): A lecture meeting about safety measures is held in an elementary school room. The lecturer is an university professor invited as an expert on this subject. Lecture meetings are managed by the PTA, and school teachers do not get involved. Elementary school, October 2004
(2)(3)(4): shows a study trip that parents and teachers go on together. They visit schools, education facilities and cultural facilities by chartering a bus. In addition to training on educational problems and cultural education, such joint trips help to promote communication and mutual understanding between parents and teachers as well as to deepen their friendship.
(2) Start from the lower secondary school. June 2005
(3) Parents are listening to an explanation about a recycling system and watching automatic machines in a beer factory. June 2005
(4) Parents are listening to explanations on how to taste dairy products. The principle participates in this study trip. June 2005

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Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development(CRICED) University of Tsukuba
1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi, IBARAKI
305-857, JAPAN