75 gVII Cooperation between School and Local Communityh Previous Next JAPANESE
VII Cooperation between School and Local Community
Parents pay around 60,000 yen for school educational expenses for their children, and 40,000 yen for their school luncheons annually at public elementary schools. For public lower secondary school children, parents pay around 130,000 yen for school educational expenses, and 40,000 yen for school luncheons a year. In private elementary schools parents pay over 750,000 yen for annual school educational expenses, and in private lower secondary schools they pay over 950,000 yen. With respect to school educational expenses, the difference between those of public and private schools is large.
(Example of how expenditure on class is spent --> ‡X 42)
--> Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology gJapanfs Education at a Glance (2008)h

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305-857, JAPAN