Dr Masami Isoda, director of CRICED, gave a lecture at the International Seminar at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Education, University of Chile
On November 4, 2024, Dr Masami Isoda gave an invited lecture at the International Seminar on AI Education, Seminario Internacional de pedagogía con (IA) ¿Qué tipo de pensamiento hay que desarrollar? (International Seminar on Pedagogy with (IA) What kind of thinking should be developed?)
<Related Links>
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qr3ao82JVrgEvent page (University of Chile): https://ciae.uchile.cl/evento/seminario-internacional-de-pedagogia-con-inteligencia-artificial-ia-que-tipo-de-pensamiento-hay-que-desarrollar
CRICED Website: https://www.criced.tsukuba.ac.jp/index.html