●Mar. 12-Mar. 28, 2008: 9th Recommendation for Special Needs Education in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

An expert on curriculum development for special education was sent to Afghanistan. While encouraging understanding and awareness of special education in the Department of Special Needs Education at Kabul Education University, our advisor made recommendations for the future education of children with disabilities to the Ministry of Higher Education, and the Ministry of Education. The advisor introduced methods for university teachers to develop materials suited to the circumstances and severity of students’ disabilities. The advisor also taught a scientific method to research the characteristics of children with disabilities. “The Second Seminar on Special Needs Education in Afghanistan” was held for the Ministry of Higher Education, the Ministry of Education, Kabul Education University, Special Needs Schools, and NGOs.  

●Oct. 29-Nov. 11, 2007: 8th Recommendation for Special Needs Education in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

An expert on curriculum development for special education was sent to Afghanistan from CRICED . While encouraging understanding and awareness of education for children with disabilities at the Department of Special Needs Education in Kabul Education University, the advisor prepared basic materials for policy recommendations on the future education of children with disabilities to Afghanistan’s Ministry of Higher Education. The advisor also gave a presentation on the education of children with disabilities in Japan, using audiovisual aids.

●Jul. 17– Sep. 19, 2007: 7th Recommendation for Special Needs Education in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

An expert on teaching material development and teaching methods for special education visited Afghanistan from CRICED . To give local teachers the skills to develop Dari language versions of handmade teaching materials and tools for special needs education, the advisor provided guidance, using Japanese materials and tools, in methods of developing materials and tools that are appropriate to students’ levels of disability. Through workshops and lectures, the advisor taught physiological, psychological, and pedagogical instruction methods suited to the circumstances and severity of students’ disabilities. The advisor also provided guidance for revision of the curriculum in the Department of Special Needs Education at Kabul Education University, and shared information with other special education organizations and related individuals.

●Sep. 11 – Dec. 11, 2006: 6th Recommendation for Special Needs Education in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

An expert on special education teaching material development and teaching methods was sent to Afghanistan from CRICED . The advisor conducted a joint survey, together with Mr. Naeem of Kabul Education University, on the teaching materials and aids used in schools for the visually and hearing impaired in the city of Kabul. The advisor regularly visited these schools, accompanied several teachers and students, and observed special education classrooms. The advisor aggregated and summarized the results of a questionnaire survey on attitudes toward special education among residents of Kabul.  

●Sep. 11- Sep. 21, 2006: 5th Recommendation for Special Needs Education in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

An expert on special education curriculum development visited Afghanistan from CRICED. The advisor monitored the progress in writing textbooks and making a sign language dictionary on site, while also considering plans for future activities with a representative of the Department of Special Needs Education. To help faculty and students gain appropriate knowledge and skills related to special needs education, the advisor gave lectures in which he described special needs education classrooms in Japan. The advisor discussed issues to be addressed and attempted to strengthen cooperation with relevant authorities.

●Mar. 14- Mar. 28, 2006: 4th Recommendation for Special Needs Education in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan


●Jul. 18- Aug. 1, 2005: 3rd Recommendation for Special Needs Education in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

An expert on curriculum development for special education was sent to Afghanistan from CRICED . The advisor helped to prepare the curriculum for the Department of Special Needs Education of Kabul Education University . Discussions about developing special needs education and teachers’ education were held between the advisor and the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Ministry of Martyrs and Disabled, Kabul UNESCO Office, and Iran Cultural Office. A project of translating text books and a dictionary into the Dali language was started. The advisor visited a school for blind and gave lectures to students at Kabul Education University about special needs education in Japan, using audiovisual aids toward.

●Mar. 28- Apr. 11, 2005: 2nd Recommendation and Improvement for Special Needs Education in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

An expert on curriculum development for special education was sent to Afghanistan from CRICED . The Ministry of Higher Education agreed to establish the Department of Special Needs Education at Kabul Education University, and five people took up new posts there. Those employees were assigned the task of developing the curriculum for the new Department. The advisor provided guidance on education theory and practices related to developing curriculum with the use of audiovisual aids from schools for deaf and visually impaired in Japan. The advisor visited schools for deaf and visually impaired in Afghanistan, and an agreement was made to create text books for those schools . Materials from an actual investigation by UNESCO were collected and several meetings were organized and recorded to develop new text books and curriculum .

●Sep. 30- Oct. 17, 2003: 1st Recommendation for Special Needs Education in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Two experts on curriculum development for special education visited Afghanistan from CRICED . The advisors participated in the 1st Joint Seminar on Development of Education for Children with Disabilities, and introduced the teacher education curriculum, ideal of special education, and practices in schools in Japan using audiovisual aids. A tentative curriculum for the newly planned Department of Special Needs Education in Kabul University of Education was planned. The advisors visited schools to see the situation in Kabul.




Kabul Education University


A student with visual impairment in a regular class


A lesson using Braille books


Textbooks entitled “Teaching Materials of Special Education in Japan I & II


Textbook entitled "Special Education in Japan"


Lecture on teaching material development


Schools for the visually impaired



Schools for the visually impaired