筑波大学教育開発国際協力研究センター Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development

Computational Thinking: How to develop it at Primary School

Announcement, Textbooks and Further References


Guidebook for Unplugged Computational Thinking

Developing Computational Thinking on AI and Big Data Era for Digital Society - Recommendations from APEC InMside I Project

Mathematics Challenges for Classroom Practice at the Upper Primary Level

Mathematical Thinking: How to Develop it in Classroom

Pensamiento Matematico: Como desarrollarlo en la sala de clases (Segunda edicion)

Course Summary

On Era of Generative AI, how can we develop Computational Thinking? How can we develop computational thinking without using computers? Especially on the Primary School Level, there are situations which we do not have computers and informatics teachers, and so on. Here, we have the following questions.
 ▸ “How can we develop computational thinking without using computers?”
 ▸ “What basic informatics content is suitable for primary school level?”
 ▸ “How can we fit these lessons into our curriculum schedules?”
To Answer the questions, we developed the guidebook with SEAMEO Centers and related institutions based on the APEC curriculum reform recommendation. And them, the University of Tsukuba and Kohn Kaen University are engaging in the APEC Workshop with APEC Lesson Study Network to develop unplugged computational Thinking. First workshop was finished on April 18th, 2004 just only for the government officials in APEC economies.
For general audience in education, this course was developed based on the workshop. On this course, we share the idea and instruments to develop computational thinking at Primary School Level through the explanation of the content of guidebook.

Course Roadmap for Computational Thinking in 2024

Topic: Computational Thinking for K to 6
Title of Lesson (Tentative) Schedule (Tentative)
1 Opening and Curriculum Reform Recommendations on APEC July 3rd


Computational Thinking & Examples July 10th


Mathematical Thinking & Examples July 17th


STEM Thinking & Examples July 24th

All the lessons will begin on Wednesday afternoon from 14:00 (Japan time GMT+9) through a live streaming via YouTube. Each lesson will be approximately 75 minutes long which includes assessment.
Certificate will be provided for the participants who have completed all 4 assignments for the lesson by the set due date.


Regstration Closed

  watch orientation


Institutions represented by invited speakers

This program was successfully developed through the collaboration of invited guests, participants and supporters. Prof./Dr. Yoshiyasu Ida, who developed the content of this program, deeply acknowledges their collaborations.

Invited Guests:
Takashi Oda (Miyagi University of Education, Japan)
Eje Kim (Gyeongin National University of Education, South Korea)
Su-Min Shen (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan)
Tan Geok Chin Ivy (Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education, Singapore)

Video editors:
Kyoko Kanakubo (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
JaYeon Yang (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Diego Solis Worsfold (CRICED)

Web developer:
Yoneyama Takafumi (CRICED)

and all the Participants

All right reserved.

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