筑波大学教育開発国際協力研究センター Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development

Mathematical Thinking VII: How to develop it at Lower Secondary Level through Problem Solving Approach



Course Summary

This course focuses on how to develop Mathematical Thinking in classroom as a part of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in mathematics at the Lower Secondary School Level. On this theme, CRICED had provided the online courses ‘Mathematical Thinking I~VI.’ Most of them focused on Primary School Level. This new course ‘Mathematical Thinking VII’ focuses on the Lower Secondary School Level for Problem-Solving Approach, in another words ‘Teaching through Problem Solving.’ It is the familiar approach in Japan to develop mathematical thinking based on what students already learned and to prepare the future/further learning which is now well known in the world through these courses.
For the primary school teachers, it is also meaningful to learn how primary school mathematics progress and extend at the lower secondary school. Because teachers already knew mathematics at least upper secondary level, it is not easy for them to distinguish between primary and secondary level mathematics and then, it provides the origin of misconceptions for students. Primary school teachers are possible to prepare students who challenge further learning at lower secondary level with enjoyment if they know what students will learn in near future. To explain how to develop mathematical thinking, this course will refer Southeast Asia Mathematics Curriculum Standards (SEA-BES: CCRLS Mathematics), English Edition of Japanese Mathematics Textbooks published by Gakko Tosho which are adapted into Indonesia and Thailand, as well as other international documents and so on.

Course Roadmap for Mathematical Thinking in 2024

Topic: Mathematical Thinking VII: Lower Secondary Level
Title of Lesson (Tentative) Schedule (Tentative)
1 On Challenges from Letter to Algebra August 7th


On Challenges from Proportionality to Proportion and functions August 14th


On Challenges of the Extension of Numbers August 21st


Task Sequence for Problem Solving Approach with Dialectic September 4th

All the lessons will begin on Wednesday afternoon from 14:00 (Japan time GMT+9) through a live streaming via YouTube. Each lesson will be approximately 75 minutes long which includes assessment.
Certificate will be provided for the participants who have completed all 4 assignments for the lesson by the set due date.


Registration for this course: Mathematical Thinking VII (Deadline June 25th, 2024): https://forms.gle/WRvHRtpdC4MwoBgH6

Registration for the orientation on June 18th, 11:15-13:00 (GMT+9)
Please join the orientation to know more about the course and the platform.
Register now! Sign Up for the Orientation


Institutions represented by invited speakers

This program was successfully developed through the collaboration of invited guests, participants and supporters. Prof./Dr. Yoshiyasu Ida, who developed the content of this program, deeply acknowledges their collaborations.

Invited Guests:
Takashi Oda (Miyagi University of Education, Japan)
Eje Kim (Gyeongin National University of Education, South Korea)
Su-Min Shen (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan)
Tan Geok Chin Ivy (Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education, Singapore)

Video editors:
Kyoko Kanakubo (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
JaYeon Yang (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Diego Solis Worsfold (CRICED)

Web developer:
Yoneyama Takafumi (CRICED)

and all the Participants

All right reserved.

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