18 gII Japanese Educational Administration and Financeh Previous Next JAPANESE
II Japanese Educational Administration and Finance
The Japanese Board of Education system was made by drawing from the example of Americafs educational administrative system after World War (. While the latter system did not address Japanfs actual conditions, the concepts and philosophy of the Japanese system clearly reflect Americafs Board of Education system. Aspects of the Japanese system are shown in the next slide. We will cover the philosophy, actual conditions, and issues re the Board of Education system that are central to educational administration in Japan.
The Municipal Boards of Education which establish public elementary schools and lower secondary schools need to cooperate with the heads of municipalities regarding financing of general education because the boards donft have authority over budgeting. Also, they need to explain the meaning and contents of the philosophy of independent general administration because municipality heads are concerned with educational administration. In addition, the distinction between the theoretical philosophical level and actual practice is needs clarification under decentralization policies, since these are directly linked to the recent revisions of the Law concerning the Organization and Functions of Local Education Administration.

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Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development(CRICED) University of Tsukuba
1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi, IBARAKI
305-857, JAPAN