21 gI Outline of Japanese School Systemh Previous Next JAPANESE
I Outline of Japanese School System
The upper secondary school was established as an individual organization follow-up to nine-year compulsory education based on educational reforms implemented after World War II. Later, educational institutions subsequent to compulsory education were diversified through institutionalization of colleges of technology, specialized training colleges and comprehensive six-year secondary schools. The institutional framework of upper secondary schools themselves diversified through rapidly increasing advancement rates to upper secondary schools along with the diversification of students.
The "three principles of upper secondary schoolse (small school district system, co-education system and comprehensive course) were formed as an institutionalized framework when the upper secondary school system was established. This institutional framework, however, subsequently diversified. There are four types of institutions: a) full-time course ] part-time course (day/night/ day and night)- correspondence course: classified by the form of class, b) graded course- credit course (used together except for a quasi-credit system at the university) classified by the form of accreditation or completion, c) ordinary education course - specialized education course - comprehensive course classified by major, and d) general course - advanced course (one year after graduation from a general course) - specialized course (one year after graduation from lower secondary schools) classified by educational level. Specialized education courses comprise vocational education courses. There are agricultural courses, technology courses, commercial courses, fisheries courses, home economics courses, and nursing courses in vocational education programs. (School law/II-37)

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Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development(CRICED) University of Tsukuba
1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi, IBARAKI
305-857, JAPAN