24 gVIII Teacher's Qualifications/Training/Appointmenth Previous Next JAPANESE
VIII Teacher's Qualifications/Training/Appointment
Expectations regarding middle school teaching options have expanded following the development of the program for autonomous school management. These expectations concern management staff, leadership positions in sub organizations and guidance teachers. Middle schools need to provide an environment where school tasks can be carried out and problems solved through improved school management.
Middle school leadership is divided into management-type leaders and specialist-type leaders.
The training of teachers with 10 years of teaching experience has been systematized. Such training is authorized by the relevant authorities in order to improve the qualifications and abilities of teachers with 10 years of teaching experience, corresponding to their individual capacities. Such training is based on evaluations of teachers performance and skills, which represents a change in the style of training compared to the past. In formulating training tasks and training plans for individual teachers, other teachers also participate in training and in the process of providing guidance and assistance.

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Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development(CRICED) University of Tsukuba
1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi, IBARAKI
305-857, JAPAN