Teachers from SEA-Teacher Program Partner Universities and Affiliated Senior High Schools Visits University of Tsukuba
From February 7 to 11, 2023, faculty members from the three partner univertsities of the SEA-Teacher pilot program, which are Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia(Indonesia), Khon Kaen University (Thailand), and Central Luzon State University(Philippines), visited University of Tsukuba.
The teachers in charge of coordinating the SEA-Teacher Program, as well as teachers from affiliated high schools who are
actually in charge of accepting students, participated in the program. The participants visited Senior High School at Sakado(UTSS), Junior High School at Komaba, and University of Tsukuba, Tokyo Campus and Tsukuba Campus.
They observed the actual lesson at each of the schools, and exchange opinions and discussed on further development and improvement of the SEA-Teacher Program.
Workshop at UTSS
Left: Discussion at the Junior High School at Komaba
Right: Discusson at University of Tsukuba, Tokyo Campus
Group photo at UTSS
Left: Group photo at Tokyo Campus
Right: Coordinators of SEA-Teacher pilot batch 3 and Dr. Nomura, Ms. Ishihara
<Related Links>
CRICED Website: https://www.criced.tsukuba.ac.jp/index.htmlSEA-Teacher Program Website: https://www.criced.tsukuba.ac.jp/sea-teacher/