筑波大学教育開発国際協力研究センター Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development


SEAMEO-University of Tsukuba Symposium (筑波大学SEAMEOシンポジウム)

Journal of Southeast Asian Education: The Official Journal of SEAMEO


SEAMEO東南アジア教師基準(SEA-TCF)  ・ 数学教師基準(SEARS-MT)   ・ マレーシア数学教師基準(Malaysia)

Online Program for SEAMEO School Network

*Certificates will be issued for the 2024 courses. Courses for 2022 and 2023 are finished certicifate programs.

Mathematics Education 2022 Teaching Mathematics to Develop Mathematical Thinking as Higher Order Thinking: How do you teach? Why?
2022 Mathematics Education to Develop Students Agency: The Case of Fractions
2022 Mathematics Education to Develop Students Agency: Problem Solving Approach, Shape & Figure, Measurement, and Pattern & Data
2023 Mathematical Thinking IV: Problem Solving Approach for Lower Primary Level (Grades 1-3)
2023 Mathematical Thinking V: Problem Solving Approach for Upper Primary Level (Grades 4-6) 
2023 Mathematical Thinking VI: Problem Solving Approach for Lower Secondary Level (Grades 7-9) 
2024 Mathematical Thinking VII: How to develop it at Lower Secondary Level through Problem Solving Approach
Computational Thinking 2024 Computational Thinking: How to develop it at Primary School
Geography 2022 Disaster prevention and education in Asia: Perspectives from geography education
2024 Geographic Perspectives and Thinking in Senior High School
International Baccalaureate 2022 Constructivism in Education: Perspectives from International Baccalaureate
2023 Educational Practices to Promote Inquiry-Based Learning: Using IB Teaching Methods
2024 Educational Practices to Promote Inquiry-Based Learning for the 21st Century Inspired by the International Baccalaureate Program

Contribution to SEAMEO by the University of Tsukuba

SEA-Teacher Internship Program(海外教育インターンシップ)


・2022年度概要 ・特設サイト
・2019年度概要 ・特設サイト ・実施報告書


Southeast Asia Ministers of Education Organization

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